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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How We Can Have Homes of Honor I Peter 3:1-7

Years ago people signed test books that they did not cheat on school exams.  Colleges had honor codes against other infractions.  What has become of honor today and how can we restore honor in God's most basic of relationships?  

Women have an opportunity to impact un-Godly husbands and spouses who are not following the Lord.  Ladies your focus must be upon God.  The world says your qualities are best expressed in what you wear but those things change with tastes. A Godly woman that fears the Lord is precious and priceless to him.  A gentle and quiet spirit is not just for women for all Christians are to live their lives this way.  Remembering those women lived in a society that wives follow after their husband’s beliefs, you must know if you have an unbelieving husband nagging or pestering is not the process to salvation. For husbands not doing the things God would have them do your attitude can influence them.  Your internal condition with God will lead to an external peace and confidence in God that will induce a spiritual awe in him.

Men are told women want men to cry and are understanding.  Peter is not down playing the role of husband and wife in the physical sense, but he is letting you know God and Christ must be at the center of this knowledge to treat your wife like you are command.   Ask yourself —Are my children following Christ to the same degree I am?  If the answer is NO, reflect upon the way you treat their mother.    Ask yourself this—Is Christ the center of my life?  If the answer is NO, how can you treat the other half not only as the weaker vessel but also has the position of being created in the image of God and a joint heir with you in the kingdom to come?  Peter says render to her the honor she is due which is distribute or give to the other person their fair share.  She is a valuable possession and one deserving of a special honor. She is the weaker vessel and God esteems her. Prayers are hindered if you do not treat her with respect and if you hold a grudge against your wife—how can you pray?  The answer is not at all.  Anger and unforgiveness are keeping your prayers from going anywhere.  With a harsh word you hurt feelings and the bible asks in James how it is with the same mouth you praise God and curse man? 

Husbands and wives are made into one flesh so God can have Godly offspring.  How can raise Godly offspring without honor in the home?  We must first have honor is our own hearts.

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