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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How Ironic!

Irony is a literary device using either characters or the plot of the story to give an opposite meaning to what happens and is similar to words as sarcasm and satire.  Recently in upstate New York, a fifty-five year old motorcyclist died during a rally against wearing a helmet when his motorcycle fishtailed and he flew over the handlebars.  Troopers investigating the accident said he probably would have lived if he was wearing a helmet. 

How ironic the day after we celebrate the Fourth of July and the freedom this revolution engendered, we see liberty as a God given right put to the test. For three years we have heard of the Caycee
Anthony case and many decided her guilt years ago.  We saw prophets and prognosticators speaking on the merits of the case but in the end she was found not guilty.  Under the rule of King George III, juries were gender based, and only those males who had lands would make up a jury.  Under the strict control of the government juries who did not render the expected results could be punished themselves.  The right of trial by jury was such a needed right it is mentioned three times in the Declaration itself.  (Jury Service, A Vital Role in American Justice,

We cannot celebrate freedom unless it is freedom for all.  I am not saying "not guilty" means Caycee was innocent.  In our system of courts the state must prove beyond a shadow of doubt her guilt.  We cannot get into the minds of the jury, but we must accept her "freedom" just as we accept our own.  Years ago I was asked if I would hear Colonel Oliver North Thomas Road Baptist Church and I said no.  The next question of why received the answer: "I am not going to hear him speak from a puplit because he is a convicted felon."  This was met with, "The charges were overturned!"  I said, "That is not the same thing as innocent."  Only God will get justice for the small child.  We must however appreciate the system which has set her free. 

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