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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Things Lost Amid the Packages and Paper

Five years ago our daughter Stefani came down the stairs to a beautiful tree, presents, and family and the look was priceless as her eyes glimmered in the cascade of the white lights on the tree.  The living room was filled with toys and clothes for an only child/grandchild, and dressed in her Christmas footie pajamas was accompanied by her favorite pillow, Po.  He had for five years taken up residence in her crib and big girl's bed and had the Lord's Prayer on his face.  It was a long term member of the family having been Nan-Nan's mom's pillow.  As has been our tradition since she was born, we read the Christmas story from scriptures, lit a birthday candle for Jesus,  and sang Happy Birthday.  At the end of the day, five bags of trash were taken to the curb for the trash truck to pick-up the next day.  Suddenly, we discoverd Po was MIA (Missing In Arms) of a sobbing five year old little girl.  Daddy walks outside in bare feet and a cold drizzling rain to nearly empty the bags looking for a beloved friend and companion.  After long minutes, a dad had to walk in and hold Stefani informing her he could not be found. 

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. (2 Corinthians 4:16-17 NIV)

This past week my wife met face-to-face with a former student who lost everything in a house fire.  She and the children were safe but when Vicki offered prayer she said Vicki could pray but wasn't sure she believed anymore.  She once went to church but then bad things started happening, and so...  However, we took the opportunity to seek aid for the woman in clothes and goods to give us the chance to remind her all things work to the good to those who love him.  Standing with her the other day with tears streaming down her face I could see why she might feel so lost.  The house two doors down the street was smoldering as two fire departments watered down the gutted home.

But there are others who may be facing major health, financial, or relational loses this season and they may be lost among the paper just like Po.  They might not be able to see the light of Christ from the darkness of their circumstances and it may need a light bearer to come into their life and their hearts.  Several years ago I did a sermon on the difference between a lighthouse keeper and a lamplighter.  The keeper lived and worked in the lighthouse and risked safety and comfort to charge into raging seas to rescue those who might be perishing.  Eventually the Coast Guard would reduce the job to a lamplighter who walked from town to make sure the lamp was lit without thought to those who might drown. We need to ask ourselves which we are: One who is willing to risk to bring the light or one who just keeps the light burning?

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16 NIV)

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