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Monday, March 21, 2011

Honoring Those Who Gave Us Freedom

Paul says in Romans 13:7 we are to render honor to those who deserve honor.  Recently a fire took the home of veterans in a town near our office.  We collected clothes, toiletries, and anything they could use.  So this morning at five o'clock I went to the local Wal-Mart to get something for a man I never knew.  However, the one thing I did know is this man served his country.

Some people may look down upon service to their country as a low position not requiring any education.  My father never finished high school but like hundreds of thousands joined the military to protect this country from Hitler's search for world domination.  He lost friends and would suffer what we call Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome for years. These stories are common for the soldier, sailor or airman you might know. 

How much honor do we show our veterans who have lost so much?   When does their honor stop?  Never!  We still place flowers before a veterans memorial each year for my dad.  He was buried at sea and so we have no place flowers.  We honor him like all veterans each year on Memorial Day and Veterans Day but how about  saying to an elderly man wearing a military ball cap, "Thank you for my freedom!" 

If you are ever at a restaurant and you see a military person sitting down alone, welcome him.  If he or she is about to order, buy them a meal.  They are potential veterans.  Honor to whom honor is due.