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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mentzer's Moments: No Memorial Day Rests for Believers

Mentzer's Moments: No Memorial Day Rests for Believers: "In Arlington Cemetery, members of the 3rd United States Army stand as sentinels at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This formal pageantry t..."

No Memorial Day Rests for Believers

In Arlington Cemetery, members of the 3rd United States Army stand as sentinels at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  This formal pageantry to honor America's unknown fallen heroes is not a show which occurs but is referred to by the men of the Old Guard as a "charge of honor" to be carried out twenty-four hours a day regardless of the weather.  In becoming a member of this group of elite soldiers, they make a two year commitment to live in the barrack beneath the tomb, learn over months the precision of the walk, and must be able to recite seven pages of material verbatim before ever appearing on the marble walkway.  In addition, these members see such a high honor they commit never to drink alcohol nor swear in public for the rest of their lives which might reflect upon the Tomb. 

The Sentinels Creed states: "My dedication to this sacred duty is total and wholehearted. In the responsibility bestowed on me never will I falter. And with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection. Through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the elements, I will walk my tour in humble reverence to the best of my ability. It is he who commands the respect I protect. His bravery that made us so proud. Surrounded by well meaning crowds by day alone in the thoughtful peace of night, this soldier will in honored glory rest under my eternal vigilance.

As a child in church, I would sing, "Onward Christian Soldier" at least once in a year of church services and was  adopted by the Salvation Army for their processionals.  We are soldiers in a war against the enemy of God, Satan.  We however forget that while these soldiers of the Old Guard stand watch in silence, our battlefield is anything but quiet.  No active battlefield is quiet since the air is filled with the sounds of explosions and gun fire and the mournful sound of soldiers wounded and dying.  However, in the war against Satan sometimes Christians do more of the harming than the enemy. 

In war there is stress, conflict, emotional turmoil, and the like, and yet we plod on knowing the goal of victory is sought because it eventually brings peace.  Maybe we need to look at the Sentinels Creed of the Tomb.  First, the soldier has commited his whole self to the service which he renders.  If we surrender in the same way to Jesus, we will not have time to fight nor be offended by others because the object of eternal peace is to important to be sidetracked by petty differences.  Secondly, his goal is perfection.  Not for ego but because of the sacred charge of walking his post.  As Christians, our goal should be equally as high so we do not offend others and if we do, make sure we do the best to remove obstacles from our relationships with others. 

Lastly, "It is he who commands the respect I protect. His bravery that made us so proud. Surrounded by well meaning crowds by day alone in the thoughtful peace of night, this soldier will in honored glory rest under my eternal vigilance."  Jesus alone commands the respect by his bravery and sacrifice.  Surrounded by the world or alone at night, I will be eternally vigilant to walk my post here until I am relieved by the "Commanding Officer."

Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. 2 Timothy 2:3-4

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mentzer's Moments: How Big Is Your Memorial Pillar For God

Mentzer's Moments: How Big Is Your Memorial Pillar For God: "In Joshua 4, God commands Joshua to have men to pick up twelve stones from the midst of the Jordan River and build them into a memorial of G..."

How Big Is Your Memorial Pillar For God

In Joshua 4, God commands Joshua to have men to pick up twelve stones from the midst of the Jordan River and build them into a memorial of God holding back the flow of the Jordan river.  These stones werefrom the middle of the river during flood stage which presented an obstacle for the nation in going into the Promised Land.  When the children would ask about them, they could look back and see what God had done.  In Luke 9, Jesus says no one is fit for service in the Kingdom of God to those who have started the work of plowing and looks back.  How do we reconcile the idea of "looking back" in the book of Joshua and in Luke?

When a farmer would take oxen and a plow he had the purpose to till the ground for planting this year's crop which would feed his family and others.  I have seen oxen yoked together and they are massive animals.  They plod along under the guidance of the farmer.  The straps leading the oxen go back to the farmer, either in his hands or around his back.  In turning around to look back at the accomplished work, the farmer's turning action could lead the oxen back over the work already completed and destroying the work by burying over the seeds already planted. 

In the Old Testament, God wants the children of Israel to be able to look back and see what he had done for them.  He had carried them out of hard times, bondage, and the threat of destruction at the hands of the Egyptian army.  He had heard their pleas for food and water and has satisfied their needs.  When they rebelled, he was there as a correcting parent.  Now he was giving them a land of milk and honey and they would not have to plant a tree or build a city.  The greatness of God seen by what he has done.

At times in our lives we need a memorial pillar made of the stones gathered during the roughest times of our lives as a memorial for ourselves and our children of the great things God has done for us.  We do not need to look back at our former life with regrets because of the righteous demands of the Christ-centered life.  We do not need to think back to the times as troubles or as hardships but pick up the stones of those events and build an altar to God. 

I can think of a few events: God carried me through divorce and through two near death medical situations.  He has brought me to college so one day I could go to seminary and into the pastorate.  He has saved me by two men at a car lot when I was twenty-six with no real aim in life.  He walked with me through the waters of baptism when I gave him my life and he was there during the baptisms of fire for his son's namesake. 

I never try to think about what my life "could have been" but instead thank him for what it has become.  I went to college to study hotel management and now provide hospitality as part of the ministry of the gospel.  I learned how to manage and now I serve.  I learned how to add up figures to know how to run a business and now I figure it is all up to God.  My memorial pillar grows each day.  How about yours? 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mentzer's Moments: A Heavenly Dad's Example of Fatherhood

Mentzer's Moments: A Heavenly Dad's Example of Fatherhood: "The You Tube video of Team Hoyt is a remarkable picture of the lengths God goes to be with us. In 2 Samuel 9, King David also shows the gre..."

A Heavenly Dad's Example of Fatherhood

The You Tube video of Team Hoyt is a remarkable picture of the lengths God goes to be with us.  In 2 Samuel 9, King David also shows the greatness of God's love for man as he reaches out to the grandson of Saul, Mephibosheth.  When David defeated Saul, the grandson was rushed out of danger and was dropped becoming lame in both feet.  It was customary to kill all members of the former royal family to prevent insurrection to the new king.  You can imagine the years of terror this young man had in hiding from King David.  However, years after become the undisputed ruler of Israel, he remembers his promise to his dear friend, Jonathan to care for each others family no matter what had happened between Saul and David.  David has this man brought to him and instead of having him executed, he restores his lands, gives him servants to care for the man, and states he will forever eat from the kings table.  Table fellowship is important and welcoming someone to the kings table who could do nothing because he was lame in both feet is a remarkable testament of grace.

In the spring of 1977, Rick told his father that he wanted to participate in a 5-mile benefit run for a Lacrosse player who had been paralyzed in an accident. Far from being a long-distance runner, Dick agreed to push Rick in his wheelchair and they finished all 5 miles, coming in next to last. That night, Rick told his father, "Dad, when I'm running, it feels like I'm not handicapped. "This realization was just the beginning of what would become over 1,000 races completed, including marathons, duathlons and triathlons (6 of them being Ironman competitions). Also adding to their list of achievements, Dick and Rick biked and ran across the U.S. in 1992, completing a full 3,735 miles in 45 days.  In a triathlon, Dick will pull Rick in a boat with a bungee cord attached to a vest around his waist and to the front of the boat for the swimming stage. For the biking stage, Rick will ride a special two-seater bicycle, and then Dick will push Rick in his custom made running chair (for the running stage). Rick was once asked, if he could give his father one thing, what would it be? Rick responded, "The thing I'd most like is for my dad to sit in the chair and I would push him for once."(TeamHoyt Web page)

Between David and Dick Hoyt, we can draw a picture of God as our heavenly Father.  The term Abba from Romans 8 is more like our term, Daddy.  It is an intimate word of love, affection, and respect.  With God as our ABBA, we see him coming like David to a person who being broken and lame by sin, forgiving the death sentence, and restoring what was once his.  We also will forever partake of the KING'S table.  We see in Dick Hoyt our God running the distance with us, carrying us because while we may be saved, we are still lame because of the effectiveness of sin in this world. 

With God, there is no distance he will not go to find us, care for us, and go with us.  What a Great ABBA. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mentzer's Moments: Healthy Churches and Healthy Christians

Mentzer's Moments: Healthy Churches and Healthy Christians: "Churches across the country are facing decline, stagnation, and plateau growth—one in and one out. What is it that makes a church healthy?..."

Healthy Churches and Healthy Christians

Churches across the country are facing decline, stagnation, and plateau growth—one in and one out.  What is it that makes a church healthy?  Homothumadon is an often repeated word in Luke’s book of the Acts of the Apostles.  It refers to the fact the disciples were together in one mind and spirit.  Are we in our churches sharing the one mind and spirit of the first century church?  Ask yourself the following:
1.  Am I open or closed to the presence of the Holy Spirit?
2. Am I open or closed to receive the joy the Holy Spirit brings?
3. Am I open or closed to do the service as directed by the Holy Spirit?

Whether you worship in a charismatic or traditional church, the presence of the Holy Spirit of God is not a suggestion but a command.  Paul tells us to be filled with the Holy Spirit.   What does this mean?  We need to enjoy the joy of the new birth.  Having preached for nearly twenty years I have seen thousands of faces come to church without smiles or joy.  They say the best way to slow the growth of a baby Christian is to put them with an old Christian.  Somewhere along the way we lose the initial joy of Christ.  We have allowed the struggles of this world to take us away from the feelings we received when we believed and received Jesus as Lord and Savior.  We need to reconnect with the joy of our salvation. Why should someone believe your message of Jesus when they see on your face the pains of this world?

With the joy of my salvation, I can also have a joy for God empowers me to live each day apart from sin.  When I find myself having sinned, I hate it.  It does not bring joy in my life and I grieve the fact I have offended God.  So he has given me the power NOT to be in this position.  I am also joyful of the fact he has given me the ability to be fruitful.  What I now produce for him can last through eternity.  If I share Christ with someone and they repent and believe, I take part in raising them from death because they are no longer dead in their sins.  Also, they have a new eternity with their heavenly Father, his Son, and the Holy Spirit and me, along with all believers. I have gifts given me to use for the body of Christ.  I love to share Jesus, but I also love teaching new Christians and watching them grow and mature.  I see their lives change as well as relationships with others becoming stronger and I get to do this because he has given me the gift to serve him.  

If I can return to the joy of my salvation, I then have a change of attitude in what is really important in church.  It is not the type of music nor the use of air conditioning.  It does not require the sermon to please me as if God is interested in my pleasure instead of my life.  In other words, church is not about me but God. 

Baseball--Faith in Outfiled

Baseball is an American sport which embraces competition, fair play, and great hot dogs, popcorn, peanuts, and Cracker Jacks.  People watch it from their homes or along the baselines at their favorite park.  My favorite is Fenway Park with its big green monster, and located in the middle of Boston.  I have been there twice and love the sounds, sights, and smells of the park.  When we think of baseball we are transported back to a kinder and gentler time.  James Earl Jones playing the role of Terrance Mann in Field of Dreams reflects upon the impact baseball has had on this nation.  Baseball and America go hand in hand. 

"Harry Bartholomew Hooper (August 24, 1887 – December 18, 1974), Hooper prided himself on being a college man of high ideals during an era when most ballplayers weren't.. Extremely popular with teammates, fans, and even opponents, he was the right fielder in the fabled "Million Dollar Outfield" with Tris Speaker and Duffy Lewis. His strong, accurate arm accounted for 150 of the trio's 455 assists. Hooper never led the American League in any of the important offensive categories, but he did compile a valuable .403 on-base average as the Red Sox leadoff hitter from 1909 to 1920.The strongly religious Hooper was reputed to have prayed for a Boston victory in the final game of the 1912 Series and to have attributed to divine intervention his bare-handed, game-saving catch off Larry Doyle which prevented victory by the Giants."
Today we see professional athletes charged with lying to Congress, multiple affairs with groupies, taking drugs, and trying to avoid being identified as a role model for the youth of America.  It is a shame players do not want to model themselves after people like Harry Hooper. While we see government trying to sterilize Christianity from the national discourse, we can take comfort in knowing no matter what the world tries to do to remove Jesus, there are people who will give credit to the Lord. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mentzer's Moments: What Challenge Do You Face In Loving Jesus?

Mentzer's Moments: What Challenge Do You Face In Loving Jesus?: "I have found three areas of my life which become challenges to my loving Jesus to the fullest. These three areas are loyalty, commitment, ..."

What Challenge Do You Face In Loving Jesus?

I have found three areas of my life which become challenges to my loving Jesus to the fullest.  These three areas are loyalty, commitment, and living my life for him.  These three areas may affect you or you might find areas which are more of a challenge. 

In sending out the twelve disciples, Jesus gave them a set of qualities for discipleship. 

“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.  Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.”      Matthew 10:37-39

Jesus is sending out his twelve disciples to evangelize the area about him.  He has prescribed certain things they are to do and he says those who are willing to profess him before men truly will be professed before the Father.  The opposite of acknowledging Jesus is to be disowned or not acknowledged.  Jesus tells us he will divide families which is the most basic of human relations.  Why would someone who is to bring us to salvation by his death divide families?  The basic reason is that faith in Jesus Christ divides just as it is the gospel which offends and not the person sharing it.  Loyalty to family cannot come at the expense of Jesus Christ for the disciple to be seen as worthy.  This is not a rejection of obligations for even James tells us to not care for family makes us worse than a heretic. But there will come a time in which the demand of the gospel of Jesus Christ will take first place.  Then to live a life worthy of Jesus Christ means more than a casual feeling for him, but an extreme love at the sake of man’s basic relationships.  In other words, you profession must balance your practice.

The actual death by the cross occurred in several stages.  First the convicted criminal was given the cross member to carry through the streets.  A sign of the charges for which this now condemned prisoner had been found guilty was hung around the neck or carried by someone in front of the person.  Once the crossbeam was placed upon your shoulders death was inevitable and there was no right of appeal.  Once the person was nailed or tied to the cross and the charges nailed to the cross, the mocking and ridicule by the crowds would be a part of this sentence which could last for days.  By receiving Jesus Christ, we in a sense commit blasphemy and idolatry against the god of this world and therefore become hated and persecuted and face a penalty of death without appeal.  I accept this penalty because to be worthy of Jesus I too become an enemy of this world.  I contend with others like myself who have also been condemned by this world in order to love Jesus and so we contend together.

The challenge of living life is determined by who or what I am  living for.  In other words, what is you purpose here on earth.  Many would believe like the late Malcolm Forbes that acquiring things is what life is all about.   Matthew does not use the usual term for life, zoe, but used the term for soul-psyche.  This means they are to accept and follow the guidance of another and follow the teachings or alter opinions to those of the teacher.  The determination of the life I am living is to know what fulfills me.  The person who believes they have found the purpose of life will actually lose it.  This would not have escaped the disciples for it was the word for judgment. However, to the one whose life was turned over or lost to self would find life.  Those who seek life not only lose it but finally will see the futility of the struggle as they are judged and face eternal punishment.  Both are rewarded for their efforts.  Both have earned it by their losses. 

While the rabbis taught that the disciple was dependent to the master in obedience it still allowed the student to deal with personal interests.  But Jesus has elevated being his disciple to the highest—above family, above other commitments and now above seeking out your desires for life.

I am reminded each new day to renew my mind to these three areas in which to serve and love Jesus.  Walk worth brothers and sisters and remain committed to Jesus.  Give away your life and gain life. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

What Is It That Makes You Special

Growing up in the south, one of the phrases you hear with a very long drawl would be, "Ain't you somethin' special."  This was not at times a good phrase, usually spoken to someone who thought the world revolved around them.  Southerners have a kind way of putting someone in their place.  If you are special in your own eyes perhaps it is because others do not think you are.  We try to overcompensate for things we might lack--such as someone thinking we are #1 in their life. 

In my book, Broken Vows Shattered Lives, it says one of the reasons we love the idea of engagement is that above all others we have been selected by someone who loves us.  The pain of divorce is great because we have now been de-selected.  When someone loves us and thinks we are special, it makes our day.  I can remember my first girl friend in elementary school.  Her name was Holly.  I would walk her to the school bus stop and carry her books.  She never told me if she felt special, but what can you expect from a six year old first grader.

One of the words the Bible uses to speak of our specialness is the word--beloved.  It means the requirements to have a relationship have been satisfied because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  It comes from the idea of a scale which is balanced and both sides are equal.  I am not equal with God, but the requirements of righteousness have been satisfied because of Jesus.  I am special to God and no one can take that specialness away from me.  Also, because he does not change his mind, he will not de-select me. 

In dating, we show someone special by the kind acts we do--flowers, candy, or taking someone out to a special and usually expensive restaurant.  These kind acts try to convey to the object of our affection what we think of them.  When I was in high school I would spend hours getting ready for a date.  Wash the car and vacuum it clean, wash the windows and then wax it to show a girl how much she meant to me.  Thanks goodness Vicki knows she is special to me.

God also acts to show me how special I am.  He loves me regardless of my walk with him.  He calls me back into a loving relationship with silken bonds.  He loves me enough to say no and loves me enough to say, "You messed up!"  He loves me enough to correct those mistakes and loves me enough to love me when I repent.   He loves me enough to make me a child of his and a joint heir with my Savior, Jesus.  It sure is nice to be special.