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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

W-A-I--T-- A Not So Dirty Four Letter Word

Today's post idea is from a discussion with Amanda A.  Thanks. 

Have you ever stood in line at the grocery store with people ahead of you with full carts and at the cashier an elderly person fishing for the exact change from a change purse?  They count the pennies, nickels, dimes or quarters for the groceries while the cashier looks back to you with a "forgive me its not my fault look".  You fume as you realize you are twenty minutes from getting out of the store and still have to get dinner made for your family.  Maybe you might want to consider this a "teachable moment" from God to teach you how to wait.

"In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."  1 Peter 1:6-7 

We hate to wait and waiting for God might frustrate us.  We insist God move to action and become impatient when he has not given us a clear path; we jump without him.  Usually we find ourselves down the road struggling and wondering why God has not caught up with us in our efforts.  Why are we tired, stressed, and filled with worry?  Why do our hands hang down and our knees feel weak? In Isaiah 40:31 those who would seem to have the needed strength to continue, the young and the athletic. stumble and collapse (literally, "stumble stumbling") while those who "wait" on the Lord will run with a new strength and stamina.  The word, "waiting" has two meanings which overlap one another:  waiting hope or hopeful waiting. (Word Biblical Commentary, Isaiah p. 95)

In any situation, we need to wait. 

Withstand the impulse to jump to action without prayer or seeking God's advise.
Accept the fact there is a God and your are not him.

Incline your heart, head, hands, and feet to do as Jesus did when he said he could do nothing unless the Father showed him.

Tell him you need help with patience.  He already knows but he wants you to admit it.  Remember, all of this is to perfect you to glorify him as the truthfulness of your faith is proven before others and the next time an event happens, you just smile as your realize if you don't pass this test, another one is just down the road till you get it right. 

Today's Prayer:  Lord, I know to learn patience you give me the opportunities to be patient.  Today, could you start with a small one and walk with me as I seek to grow.  Amen. 

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