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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Why is Disciplesip a Process

The Making of a Disciple

A sermon I preached years ago deals with the fear and doubt of the disciples the night of the Resurrection.  Ten disciples are gathered in a locked room while Thomas is missing. Fear immobilized the men and may be making plans to escape the city. Suddenly the power of the Resurrection is seen when Jesus appears in their midst.  If the power of the Resurrection brought Jesus to life, why is becoming a disciple a hard and lengthy process? 

Roadblocks to Discipleship


One reason is self-reliance. Names like J. Paul Getty and Rockefeller fill history books about their impact on the industrial age of America.  These men and many more came from poverty and into wealth. These self-made men are known for their success and can be an icon for people today.  The Kingdom of God does not function or glorified in this type of individual.  Jesus himself could only do what the Father showed him. If disciples are made complete at the new birth then it might be a tendency to believe everything this "super-disciple" did was because of his personal efforts.

Lone Ranger Disciple

The church was initiated at Pentecost when peoples of various tongues, tribes, and cultures heard the Word of God and believed.  What God did at the Tower of Babel by dividing mankind in languages would now become the most incredible witness of the church.  The church is made of individuals from around the world with different backgrounds, cultures, and languages but one common purpose- "Go and make disciples!"  They are blessed and gifted for the purpose of ministry and each member is interdependent upon another to accomplish this Commission.  No Lone Ranger disciples!

Relational Discipleship

In my life as a Christian, I have many ups and downs while walking with the Lord.  I realized God knew I would stumble so He would be there to make sure I never fell completely.  In this, I can celebrate because His Word says there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ. I have the record of my stumbles so the victory is not mine. God is good because he allows me to share His joy. I share Christ's love and his message of reconciliation and I have the chance to see someone taken out of the Enemy's hands and never lost again.  Jesus told his disciples they would do greater works than he did.  When he raised Lazarus from the grave there would come a time when Lazarus would eventually die.  When believers work together to bring the light of Christ to people--they literally take part in raising someone dead in their sins and now alive in Christ.  How much joy is that?

The apostle John uses the word believe as a verb in his Gospel.  John refers to belief as taking faith and putting it into action.  Thomas doubted and when Jesus came to him, he said, "Stop being an unbeliever and become a believer!"  Why would Jesus say this to a man who was a loyal disciple?  The others had continually told Thomas of the resurrection, but Thomas would absolutely not believe unless he could see and touch the wounds of his Lord.  He had seen the miracles but now he was full of doubt.  John's idea on miracles can lead someone to faith but are insufficient for continual faith--such as Thomas.  To John, belief/believing was to take hold of faith, trusting the Living Word of God, accepting Jesus as the full revelation of God on earth and accepting his commission to go and make disciples.  It wasn't the miracles but the written word which shows Jesus as Messiah, Lord, and God.

Why Time

Discipleship takes time because Jesus is working to remove the impurities of my life by the crucible of time, pressure and heat.  A lump of black coal under heat, pressure, and time eventually becomes a diamond.  But don't stop there- a diamond must have the facets chipped away and polished to reach its pure luster and value.  So, don't worry!  He looking at the finished product--you reflecting the light of Christ in the world.