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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Doing Church the Old-Fashioned Way

Paul tells us the church has been given various people such as apostles, prophets, pastors and teachers for the building up of the body so they can do the work of the church.  Last night Vicki and I met with the Marriage Team at the Vineyard to work with this band of committed Christians seeking to help others have a biblical marriage.  As we left Vicki remarked "I think we have found our place."

Churches are blessed by the Holy Spirit with gifts and talents not always given to pastors and it is a wise church who realizes these gifts are for the body to do the work it was called to do.  I like being a Chaplain and a member of a church.  Some have asked me if I miss pastoral ministry.  Ministry is where you find it.  I will be working with young and old couples to help them to have a Christian marriage and thus also to raise Godly offspring.

Professional clergy may be the way some denominations work, but Paul's ideal was the people work the minsitry.  I LIKE IT!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tests and Prayers

Today, Stefani goes for the national tests which determines how she did as a fourth grade home schooled kid.  If you ask Mom and Dad we would say exceptional.  However, the School Board of the county requires either this type of national test or another means to prove she has learned the material.  I can remember the names of all of my teachers from over forty years ago.  They labored hard to school me in the material I would need to graduate.  There was Mrs. Betty Highsmiith, sixth grade at Sadler Elementary.  She had trouble with this ADD kid and at one time made me sit right beside her desk to concentrate.  There was Mr. Harper and Mr. Amie, my seventh grade teachers who shared an apartment.  Mr. Amie taught us how to do practical jokes on Mr. Harper and Mr. Harper taught us they were not very funny. 

Yet, every time tests came around, I am sure the Prayer-O-Meter to God went sky-high.  This was a plea usually to ask from God something they already had if they had used it--a working mind.  I have a mentally challenged sister-in-law whose mental abilities have already been eclipsed by Stefani.  We remind her God has given her a gift of a mind to use.  When I got to college, I wanted to be there.  I was just an average high school student but believing God had given me the chance to be a college grad at 27, I worked hard.  Not having much money, I offered my grades to God as a tithe or offering.  Mrs. Cooper was the only teacher in college who gave me a C.  Oh well, I still worked hard.

Life is filled with tests.  Tests of ethics, morals and values along with tests which God sends to prove to us we have already been given everything we need to pass the School of Life.  Prayers are still needed because the tests of life have greater consequences---someone besides God may be watching to see if you are cheating during the test.  Every test has a grade in school, but God's tests are pass or fail.  Thank Him because he believes in make-up exams.   He does not grade on the curve but does allow us to make it up. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Golf As A Picture of Evangelism

The Master's just finished and the end of the four days was the best in the past years.  Leaders came and went as mistakes took over and the stress of heat, walking the course, and mental strain took their toll.  I heard a quote the said something of the real contest of golf is played on a five and a half inch course between a player's ears--in the mind.

So how is golf like evangelism?  The failure to hit the mark in golf, or the sweet spot on a club forces the errors of physics to take a round object into many difficult spots.  I spend many a second shot coming out of rough or trees and not down the middle of the fairway.  If we are lost, we also spend time in darkness.  In fact we love the darkness more than the light. 

Also, in evangelism, we saw many missed putts by the smallest of inches.  Likewise, sin is falling short of the mark established by God.  At the end of the four days, the players must report to the Rules Committee in a green shed to review their scorecards.  A mistake in the scorecard can cost a player a match.  God states their is a "review" of our life.  What will we say when faced with this very real event?

Fortunately, I will not have to say anything.  Jesus will!  He will attest to the fact I have received him as LORD and Savior.  He will attest to the fact his righteousness has covered my errors on the course of life.  He will attest we are brothers and co-heirs with him of eternity.  THANK GOD!

When you play golf and top the ball, sometimes friends will give you a mulligan.  I never thought of Jesus as my mulliigan, but what a blessing.   I wonder if there are golf courses in heaven?  Problably not because lying in a sin and many golfer fudge their score cards.  Oh Well!