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Friday, June 17, 2011

What's In A Name?

Driving from a hospital visitation this morning, I was stopped by traffic in front of a dilapidated storefront which once hosted a barbershop.  The owner's name, located in the center of the dark and filthy plate glass window stood in contrast to the other word: closed.  This business at one time must have had people coming to the shop to have the hair cut and their ears filled with stories, laughter and gossip.  It now stood empty and quiet and the only thing which lasted was the name on the plate glass window.

Another name many will not remember is Eric Liddell.  This man from Scotland, a deeply committed Christian, was part of the 1924 British Olympic team.  At one point of the Olympics, Eric refused to run in a race simply because it was on the Lord's Day.  Eventually he would run later in the games and win a gold medal.  This is not the end of the man of faith and stamina for he would later go to China to be a missionary and die in a labor camp just before the end of World War II.  Both of these names may have become forgotten because they lacked the power to influence outside of their immediate sphere.  There is a name which is above all others which cannot be forgotten.  The name is Jesus Christ.  No matter how hard the world tries to diminish or destroy it from the earth, it continues because it is a name which has power. 

First it was the name stated by the angel because he would save his people from their sins.  It is a name by which nations of the world would place their hopes or when two or more people gather in this name, he would be there as well. It is a name his disciples will be hated, persecuted, and killed because they did it to the one named, Jesus.  He told his disciples this kind of treatment would happen because of him but by this same name which others hate, his friends would be sanctified and justified. Lastly, it is a name which is exalted above all other names and one day when this name is proclaimed all will kneel and bow because of that name and acknowledge Christ as Lord for the glory of God. 

The name Mentzer comes from German history and means "tower".  In the heraldry our coat of arms has a castle in the midst.  At least that was what my father got when he paid to find out years ago.  The name Jesus does not have a coat of arms  but his name is the Word of God and on his robe is the name KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Water, Water, Everywhere and No Water Pressure

This morning I awoke to no water pressure due to a waterline break in our town.  A town farther north had a main line break and they have set up water stations to provide water to the town's people.  The need to get ready without water for shower, shaving, and brushing of teeth gave me a different perspective.  I do not camp.  I hate the idea of sleeping on the ground with small six legged creatures or worse, no legged creatures which slither and slide across the ground.  My form of camping is a Holiday Inn with a black and white television.  I am not Charles Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie either.  I do not find pleasure in hunting and fishing.  However, when I play golf I do actually hunt and fish.  When my golf ball goes into the woods, then I am hunting for my ball.  When it goes into the water, I fish it out.

It was funny having no water IN my house but God was providing a rain shower outside.  When I was a kid I tried to tell my mother I did not need to take a bath because I had been playing in the rain in Orlando.  NO GO!  To my mother a bath was a requirement for childhood.  Washing my hair and body, and of course my ears, which never seemed to get clean enough for her, was a nightly routine.  You never think about water till it is missing.

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God, When can I go and meet with God? My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” Psalm 42:1-3

Likewise, there are times when my soul literally is dying of thirst for God.  During times of crisis or calamity water becomes one of the first things needed for life.  In the life of a believer, God is needed during those same times.  Jesus tells us if we drink the living water it will become a spring.  Oases were needed by shepherd to water their flocks along the way and a wise shepherd knew their locations and if during a summer drought if they would still have water.  The great Psalm of the Shepherd tells us he leads us beside the still water.  Sheep love still water while they get nervous around rushing water.  Our shepherd does not take us to a place of agitation or irritation but feeds and waters us in lush and quiet surroundings. 

In times when tears flow down my cheeks, instead of others I need to seek after God.  He alone will bring me to a quiet rest.  He alone will provide for my needs of food and water.  Why?  Because he paid such a huge price to have me--his Son.  If you made a sacrificial offering in the Bible, it would cost you something.  God made a sacrificial offering of his son--and it cost his greatly.  I am his beloved because he bought me and brought me to himself.  Benwood may not have had any water this morning, but in God I am refreshed. 

What Imagine Do You Reveal In Your Relationships?

As a child I played with Play-doh.  That squishy and colorful compound was not originally created for children but was originally a  cleaner for wallpaper.  Noah and Joseph McVicker saw the need for their then off-white dough to help children in schools in the Cincinnati area when a teacher told them of the difficulty children had with the modeling clay they were using.  It wasn' t till years later the primary colors were added to the non-toxic material. Today, Play-doh is even softer to use and now children and run this material through small plastic forms to get certain designs and images from this childhood toy. 

The idea of form and image is used by Paul in Philippians 2:5-7:

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

There are two different words used for the idea of form or image.  The first one is the word morphe(morfey), which is used of external characteristics.  Jesus is the visible image of God in both characteristics and qualities.  However, Paul then uses the word, eikon(icon), which is the moral likeness of the renewed man before God.  In this form of a servant, the renewed believer can understand how he is to live by looking at the image of Christ.   This image or icon is seen in the blessed state of mind which Christ also possesses.  This is the mind needed in this world of relationships. 

So what would a servant do in regards to others?  The first thing is not to think too highly of yourself. In the case of those who are angry with you, heap coal of kindness on their heads.  However, most of us want to treat them as objects of scorn, ridicule and derision.  Also, what about your anger?  I am no different and when I lose my cool, as a servant I need to think of others and those relationships.  Do you apologize to the one whom you were angry with?  What about others in the fray?  As having the servant mind of Christ, it is important not to imagine you have the RIGHT to be angry.  Jesus had the right and authority to destroy man at the Cross but since he was equal with God he knew what needed to be done. 

Remember in relationships in this world, what  others many advise may sound good, but in reality it is what Jesus reveals in the eikon(icon) in the mind and actions of the renewed man which I should represent to others.  Not easy, but very needed. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What Is On Your Breastplate of Decision?

In the sixties, if you were old fashioned, you might have been called a square.  This term square was a "person who failed to appreciate the music style of jazz or someone who was out of date or out of touch, hence the saying "be there or be square". In the hippy movement of the  1960s a "square" referred to someone who clung to repressive, traditional, stereotypical, one-sided, or "in the box" ways of thinking."(Wikipedia) 
A square in geometry is four-sided with all side equal in length and all angles at ninety degrees.  It appears to be a perfect shape with everything identical.  In West Virginia we have a pizza restaurant which serves its pizza in squares.  DiCarlo's Pizza makes the best pizza with a crust which is twice baked and then the cold cheese and pepperoni is put on the hot pizza and then boxed.  At first, this Pizza Hut fan could not fathom eating a pizza when the cheese had not melted but I have since changed my mind and my palette. 

A square in used in Exodus 28 discussing the making of the breastplate of decision for Aaron.  It was to be worn anytime he went in before the presence of God with the names of the tribes of Israel and the Urim and Thummim.  It is suggested from various sources these stones where used to seek God's counsel from the time of the Exodus until the time of David to seek out the will of God.  One author suggested it was a search for a divine "yes" or "no".  "Also put the Urim and the Thummim in the breastpiece, so they may be over Aaron’s heart whenever he enters the presence of the LORD.Thus Aaron will always bear the means of making decisions for the Israelites over his heart before the LORD." Exodus 28:30

Peter tells us we are a royal priests and the imagry comes to mind whenever we seek the will of God.  Our breastplate of decision may not be visible but the importance of seeking the will of God in all aspects of our life follows this same picture of Aaron.  Who do we have on our breastplate?  Do we continually bring them before the Lord?  Do we seek the guidance of God? 

A square is made up of four sides which are equal in distance and all angles of ninety degrees.  They are called right angles.  In searching for God's answer are we seeking to get God's right angle on the situation?

Monday, June 13, 2011

What Are You Going To Do?

In Wheeling is one of our favorite ice cream stores, Coldstone Creamery.  They have some very rich, sweet and creamy concoctions and if you give them a tip, the workers will sing a little ditty for you.  It is more expensive than others so we don't go there often, but when we do it is really a treat.  There large size of this wonderful ice cream is called "gotta have it" but I usually get the smaller one called "like it".  There are many things which come out we just think we "gotta have it".  Years ago, we had vinyl records and I had to have a stereo.  I no longer have the player.  I then went to eight tracks and then cassettes and then CD.  We have fashion "gotta haves" as well.  The newest fashion trend or label induces many of us to go and pay higher prices because we "gotta have it". 

In the Bible, Jesus is said to"must needs go through Samaria" John 4:4.  We do not see it in the NIV but in the King James version, the divine imperative is seen.  It is more than a desire or wish but like a direct command from the father for Jesus to do.  In this, he would violate religious standards as a Jew to travel into the region of Samaria.  He would talk to a Samaritan woman alone, and also asked to receive something from her--a cup of water.  The divine imperative is further seen when his disciples wanted him to eat and he said, "My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work."  The divine imperative surpasses all other "gotta haves."

Friday as I was leaving for a weekend with my family and my planned first time of the golf links, I received a call to do a funeral on Sunday for someone who did not have any minister.  Vicki and I had planned on taking Stefani Saturday to a carnival and I could then go to the evening visitation and do the service Sunday morning.  I call the funeral director later and was given more family information and something I did not expect to hear.  The person had died a few days before their 59th anniversary and tthey needed to do the service on Sunday because Monday would be their anniversary.  In a heartbeat I knew I needed to be with the family as they walked into the viewing area for the first time.  I asked my family, and with understanding, they allowed me to alter our plans.  The divine imperative moved me to be with the family.

This divine imperative is not just for pastors, but is for any Christian who cares to listen.  However, the divine imperative does not happen between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM or just on Sunday at 11 AM.  The divine imperative can happen at any time of the day.  It could be as you are leaving for a date with someone special and God brings you a hurting individual.  What do you do?  You wake up with red lights from an ambulance swirling outside of your house at 3 AM and looking outside you see them parked in front of your neighbor's house.  What do you do?  You are on your way to vacation and a dear friend in injured in a freak accident and cannot use her bandaged arms.  What do you do?  If you place God's divine imperative ahead of your "gotta have it" you will obey and you will be blessed.  The ambulance incident actually happened to our neighbor and I walked out to comfort both since he had just had a heart attack.  It would be weeks before he would come home, but during this time, I would visit him and one day he showed me a card which said he had prayed the sinners prayer and received Christ.  His wife would come to me and ask if I was interested in the position of chaplain where I am today.  The divine imperative has blessing awaiting.  For Jesus, the region heard of him and believed.  Next time it happens, what do you do?