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Monday, June 13, 2011

What Are You Going To Do?

In Wheeling is one of our favorite ice cream stores, Coldstone Creamery.  They have some very rich, sweet and creamy concoctions and if you give them a tip, the workers will sing a little ditty for you.  It is more expensive than others so we don't go there often, but when we do it is really a treat.  There large size of this wonderful ice cream is called "gotta have it" but I usually get the smaller one called "like it".  There are many things which come out we just think we "gotta have it".  Years ago, we had vinyl records and I had to have a stereo.  I no longer have the player.  I then went to eight tracks and then cassettes and then CD.  We have fashion "gotta haves" as well.  The newest fashion trend or label induces many of us to go and pay higher prices because we "gotta have it". 

In the Bible, Jesus is said to"must needs go through Samaria" John 4:4.  We do not see it in the NIV but in the King James version, the divine imperative is seen.  It is more than a desire or wish but like a direct command from the father for Jesus to do.  In this, he would violate religious standards as a Jew to travel into the region of Samaria.  He would talk to a Samaritan woman alone, and also asked to receive something from her--a cup of water.  The divine imperative is further seen when his disciples wanted him to eat and he said, "My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work."  The divine imperative surpasses all other "gotta haves."

Friday as I was leaving for a weekend with my family and my planned first time of the golf links, I received a call to do a funeral on Sunday for someone who did not have any minister.  Vicki and I had planned on taking Stefani Saturday to a carnival and I could then go to the evening visitation and do the service Sunday morning.  I call the funeral director later and was given more family information and something I did not expect to hear.  The person had died a few days before their 59th anniversary and tthey needed to do the service on Sunday because Monday would be their anniversary.  In a heartbeat I knew I needed to be with the family as they walked into the viewing area for the first time.  I asked my family, and with understanding, they allowed me to alter our plans.  The divine imperative moved me to be with the family.

This divine imperative is not just for pastors, but is for any Christian who cares to listen.  However, the divine imperative does not happen between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM or just on Sunday at 11 AM.  The divine imperative can happen at any time of the day.  It could be as you are leaving for a date with someone special and God brings you a hurting individual.  What do you do?  You wake up with red lights from an ambulance swirling outside of your house at 3 AM and looking outside you see them parked in front of your neighbor's house.  What do you do?  You are on your way to vacation and a dear friend in injured in a freak accident and cannot use her bandaged arms.  What do you do?  If you place God's divine imperative ahead of your "gotta have it" you will obey and you will be blessed.  The ambulance incident actually happened to our neighbor and I walked out to comfort both since he had just had a heart attack.  It would be weeks before he would come home, but during this time, I would visit him and one day he showed me a card which said he had prayed the sinners prayer and received Christ.  His wife would come to me and ask if I was interested in the position of chaplain where I am today.  The divine imperative has blessing awaiting.  For Jesus, the region heard of him and believed.  Next time it happens, what do you do? 

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