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Monday, November 21, 2011

What Trails Are You Leaving in this World?

This morning I watched as two planes flying thousands of feet in the sky left long, white streams of clouds called contrails.  A contrail gets its name from the words condensation trails.  As the plane flies in the frigid air, the moisture from the exhaust of the engines condenses into puffy white streams.  If the atmosphere is dry this moisture might be absorbed and no trail would be seen.  These trails can remain depending upon the upper level winds and when your eye follows them you might even find the plane which left the stream across the blue sky.

Like following the direction of the contrail across the beauty of God's heavens, the nation of Israel followed the cloud God brought to lead the people during the day and a pillar of fire by night.  As anyone who has ever tried instructing a child to do a task, doing it so they can see always has a better reward. Why?   Students with a visual learning style rely on sight to take in and understand information. They remember what they have seen.

Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story— those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, Psalm 107:2

This past weekend at the Vineyard, the pastor baptized over forty people during four services of the church.  As the person stepped into the baptismal, they moved the waters.  As they were baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, they moved the waters.  And as they were raised to a new life as Paul said, they again moved the waters.  These are the beginnings of the contrails the believer should make as they travel through this world.  The redeemed of God are to tell their stories of how God saved them from death and the grave, and if they need, they should use words.  As we helped to collect food for the House of the Carpenter, a feeding ministry in Wheeling, WV, Stefani asked me why people would refuse to purchase even a can of soup to give?  I told her they may not know the "Greatest Gift of God" and how this gift changes our hearts of stone for hearts of flesh.  We knew it and it gave us joy to help.  It also was a contrail of our life showing the world and giving testimony of our redemption. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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