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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Healthy Churches and Healthy Christians

Churches across the country are facing decline, stagnation, and plateau growth—one in and one out.  What is it that makes a church healthy?  Homothumadon is an often repeated word in Luke’s book of the Acts of the Apostles.  It refers to the fact the disciples were together in one mind and spirit.  Are we in our churches sharing the one mind and spirit of the first century church?  Ask yourself the following:
1.  Am I open or closed to the presence of the Holy Spirit?
2. Am I open or closed to receive the joy the Holy Spirit brings?
3. Am I open or closed to do the service as directed by the Holy Spirit?

Whether you worship in a charismatic or traditional church, the presence of the Holy Spirit of God is not a suggestion but a command.  Paul tells us to be filled with the Holy Spirit.   What does this mean?  We need to enjoy the joy of the new birth.  Having preached for nearly twenty years I have seen thousands of faces come to church without smiles or joy.  They say the best way to slow the growth of a baby Christian is to put them with an old Christian.  Somewhere along the way we lose the initial joy of Christ.  We have allowed the struggles of this world to take us away from the feelings we received when we believed and received Jesus as Lord and Savior.  We need to reconnect with the joy of our salvation. Why should someone believe your message of Jesus when they see on your face the pains of this world?

With the joy of my salvation, I can also have a joy for God empowers me to live each day apart from sin.  When I find myself having sinned, I hate it.  It does not bring joy in my life and I grieve the fact I have offended God.  So he has given me the power NOT to be in this position.  I am also joyful of the fact he has given me the ability to be fruitful.  What I now produce for him can last through eternity.  If I share Christ with someone and they repent and believe, I take part in raising them from death because they are no longer dead in their sins.  Also, they have a new eternity with their heavenly Father, his Son, and the Holy Spirit and me, along with all believers. I have gifts given me to use for the body of Christ.  I love to share Jesus, but I also love teaching new Christians and watching them grow and mature.  I see their lives change as well as relationships with others becoming stronger and I get to do this because he has given me the gift to serve him.  

If I can return to the joy of my salvation, I then have a change of attitude in what is really important in church.  It is not the type of music nor the use of air conditioning.  It does not require the sermon to please me as if God is interested in my pleasure instead of my life.  In other words, church is not about me but God. 

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